Broadcast : France Television, Tënk
With the support of Région Normandie, Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes,CNC, SCAM

Résidence Francophone du Moulin d'Andé 2021
Rencontres d'Août des États Généraux du Film Documentaire de Lussas 2021
In 1997, Alexandre, the director of this documentary, was 17 years old. He was doing a BEP in electronics at Tournon-sur-Rhône, in the Ardèche. It wasn't his chosen path. Passionate about cinema, he shot "Meurtre noir", an amateur thriller, with students from the school. 27 years later, he rediscovered these images and set out to meet the people who had taken part in the filming: what kind of adults have they become? How do they view the professional sector? Mirroring this return, Alexandre meets today's students and goes back inside the walls of the professional school.
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